Our numbers have been steadily growing since our inception in 2015. From an average of 500 listeners per month in our first season, we now average over 5000!

This has been achieved without any real promotion on our behalf, and we’re grateful to every listener who has found our cast and stuck with us. We really do have a very loyal group of listeners and the live chat every cast is almost more entertaining than the show itself!

In 2019, we will be actively marketing the cast in an effort to again double our listenership. More listeners equals more resources for us to be able to deliver quality content which is our ongoing goal.

How can you help?

Share the cast amongst your social media circle, encourage your friends to listen in and get involved in the live chat, participate in our competitions and, if you’re a business, perhaps get involved with a sponsorship. 

Thanks again to all our loyal listeners. 2018 was a difficult year for the club but a successful one for CrowCast, and we look forward to further growth in 2019, hopefully riding the Crows return to their rightful position at the top of the ladder!
