Tasmanian Labor has backed the Hobart Macquarie Point Stadium build.

That means that the final hurdle has been cleared for Tasmania to officially enter the AFL as the competition’s 19th side.

Labor’s backing means that now the state Liberals and federal Labor government are all on board, all but assuring it will pass parliament.

The hold-up on the stadium front was the final thing holding Tasmania back as an AFL side, with the competition only committing to the 19th side if the $375 million roofed stadium came with it.

Now that it appears certain that will happen, Tassie can breathe a sigh of relief.

In a press release from Tasmania Labor MP Dean Winter, the party said they’re backing the stadium to provide thousands of jobs in construction, including hundreds of apprenticeships.

Labor said that their support hinges on Premier Jeremy Rockliff’s promises that he must deliver on the capped spend of $375 million, with private investors to cover any shortfall.

The stadium is being assessed by Tasmania’s Planning Commission and will need to pass both houses of parliament once that assessment is finished. It’s believed that will come in 2025.

At this stage, the Devils hope to enter the competition in 2028 but no set date has been confirmed.

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